Page 16 - Personal Productivity
P. 16

Become more efficient

       Identifying waste
                                                             Video templates

       Efficiency begins by
       identifying waste – simply-
       put this means recognizing
       activities where your time
       could be better-spent.
       Consider examples of the
       following types of tasks in
       your own area of the business:

         ∙ Repetitive tasks - Examples
         might include responding to
         the same types of question
         or requests. These tasks could be negated by anticipating the requests in the first place (e.g.
         clearly communicating the process or policy) or by automating a response (e.g. by using
         automatic replies with Frequently Asked Questions or setting text blocks using Outlook
         quick parts in your responses).

         ∙ Better Suited Tasks - Completing activity that is better completed by dedicated resource.
         Consider agreeing which activities are best-suited to being dealt with by an administrator,
         PA or even a formal help desk.

         ∙ Minutiae Tasks - Activity designed to support a single individual – consider opportunities
         to broaden the scope of your response to apply to a wider audience (e.g. developing a
         clearly defined process to avoid regular obtrusive questions).

                       Consider some activity that you
                       or your team do that could be                       “
                                                                                 Progress isn’t made by
                       considered as repetitive, minutiae                         early risers. It’s made
                       or better suited to another                               by lazy men trying to

                       person or department. Start                               find easier ways to do
                       planning some activity that could                               something.
                       reduce the impact of this wasted                                             ”

                       activity, either by reducing it or
                       removing the need to complete                               - Robert Heinlein
                       the task.

                      KEEP                 MAXIMISE                REMAIN             BECOME MORE
                  ORGANISED               YOUR TIME               FOCUSED                EFFICIENT
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