Page 2 - Personal Productivity
P. 2

Course Summary

       We all have an average 1440 minutes in                   We will be exploring four key themes to
       our working day, but the barriers to our                 enhance your knowledge and skills in your
       productivity are well-documented.                        own personal productivity:

       We have split this course into two accessible
       webinars so it’s manageable to fit into your
       busy schedule. Alternatively, you can follow
       along this workbook in your own time.

       By putting the changes and learning                                         4.  Become
       into practice we are confident that                                             More E icient
       this intervention will help you balance
       competing priorities and an ever-increasing                        2.   Maximise
       workload.                                                               Your Time

       These simple skills and habits, once formed,                                          3.    Remain
       will release pressure and make you a                1.   Keep                               Focused
       productivity guru - able to master your                  Organised
       time and efforts intelligently.

       To ensure we provide meaningful
       improvements to your productivity, you
       can tally your daily time savings into the
       stopwatch icons below to track which area
       has made you most productive.

     You will learn how to;

       Keep organised                                              Maximise your time

       ∙ Master your limited time                                  ∙ Question common thinking
       and control                                                 in relation to
       procrastination                                             hosting and
       through                                                     attending
       prioritising tasks                                          meetings

       ∙ Utilise the                                               ∙ Streamline your
       Microsoft                                                   digital workflow
       Office suite to                                             with small but
       effectively flag                                            meaningful IT
       and manage                                                  tips
       incoming tasks
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